Blog - Kevin Uriel Fonseca

A Rant about Software Development as a Graduate

It’s Been a Long Road Did you guys know the kevinfonseca platform came about 8 years ago? Either by using the .com or the most recent .me domains?. Believe it or not, WordPress has helped me a lot in my learning coding skills through these […]

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Handling Inputs with Same Name in ReactJS

[HEADS UP]: This example uses hard-coded data. If you want to create “tags” dynamically, you can easily use an input text and then split the string by comma before sending it to your DB or you can handle all of that in the db logic […]

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Find Out what NPM Dependencies are not in Use!

Believe It or Not, People Forget What NPM Dependencies They have Installed! Guess what?, working on a project can be a long task, specially if you want to make it as neat as possible but this will usually make you play with several ways to […]

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Wi-Fi Password Forgotten? Find it!

Background This is mainly for those times in which you forget the password of your Wi-Fi and somehow the one found in the Modem is not working. In case you did not know, most of the networks passwords are stored in your computer as long […]

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Integrating Git Commits to MongoDB using NodeJS and Mongoose

The Why? The reason of this function was mainly because I wanted to create a Changelog system that will help me to keep track of all the improvements or fucked ups that I do in my projects. Because of this, the need of me having […]

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Useful Chrome Extensions for a Software Developer

GoFullPage – Full Page Screen Capture As the title says uBlock Origin This helps a lot with Ads. React developer Tools This is a must if you’re a React developer Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader This is good whenever you want to […]

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Dark Mode in ReactJS

I have had this post as draft for about a whole month thinking on what to write but could not come with anything so here it is. Bye bye 🙂

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My SR Setup

Yes, I know SR – Shooting Range – Setup does not sound right, however, I’m not the type of guy to be carrying a whole ass AR with me all the time. Thus, I decided to title it this way instead of EDC. Plate Carrier […]

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Take your Encryption to the Next Level

What’s Encryption According to Internet? Encryption is the method by which information is converted into secret code that hides the information’s true meaning. The science of encrypting and decrypting information is called cryptography. In computing, unencrypted data is also known as plaintext and encrypted data […]

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Army Oath of Enlistment, General Orders and Core Values

Oath of Enlistment I, [STATE FULL NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will […]

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