git - Kevin Uriel Fonseca

Integrating Git Commits to MongoDB using NodeJS and Mongoose

The Why? The reason of this function was mainly because I wanted to create a Changelog system that will help me to keep track of all the improvements or fucked ups that I do in my projects. Because of this, the need of me having […]

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GitHub, Creating a Project The Right Way!

There’s something that I find myself doing every time I create a new project and that is, creating repositories from scratch to push or pull code. Get Everything Ready for our GitHub Repository! To begin with, everytime we want to transfer a project from our […]

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How to create a QR Code for a Webpage using ReactJS

How it Started? That’s the funny part, I was using the Google Chrome search bar when I noticed there was an icon which triggered an option of “Create QRCode for this Website” whenever I was hovering over it. It only took about 3 seconds for […]

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